Pearl Harbor Attack
The USS Oklahoma BB-37 was a Nevada-class battleship. She was commissioned on May 2, 1916. She remained on the US East Coast during WWI. In 1927, she was modernized, receiving a new secondary gun arrangement and improvements to protection. The USS Oklahoma was in port on December 7, 1941. She was moored by Ford Island outboard of the USS Maryland and ahead of the USS West Virginia. She was one of the first ships to receive damage. She was hit by as many as eight torpedoes, but the total amount of hits remains unverified. The first two were stopped by the ship’s torpedo bulges and did not penetrate the hull. The second two hit al almost the same place. These penetrated the hull and started massive flooding. An additional two torpedoes or perhaps more also hit around the same location. With out-of-control flooding, the USS Oklahoma Battleship began to capsize. She rolled over until her masts hit the harbor floor and ceased the rolling. A large amount of the USS Oklahoma’s crew was trapped below decks, and a frantic rescue operation was initiated. Teams from the USS Vestal, which was also damaged in the attack, were sent with torches and cutting tools to try and cut the hull open to save as many as possible. As a result of the attack, 429 officers and men of the USS Oklahoma were killed. The second greatest loss of life during the attack. The USS Oklahoma was eventually righted in 1943. Salvage teams assessed the damage and removed any remains. She was deemed a constructive total loss as she was too old and the damage too heavy to warrant repair. The USS Oklahoma was decommissioned on September 1, 1944. She was sold for scrap after all her propulsion and armament were removed. In 1947, the hulk of the USS Oklahoma sank in a storm 500 miles from Hawaii. On December 7, 2007, a memorial to the crew lost on the USS Oklahoma was dedicated. The Memorial is located on Ford Island near the USS Missouri. Please view the list to learn the names of those who lost their lives on that day.

The U.S. Navy battleship USS Oklahoma (BB-37) passing Alcatraz prison, San Francisco Bay, California (USA), during the 1930s., USN, Official U.S. Navy photo NH 84546-KN from the U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command, PD-USGov

Ship righted to about 30 degrees, on 29 March 1943, while she was under salvage at Pearl Harbor. She had capsized and sunk after receiving massive torpedo damage during the 7 December 1941 Japanese air raid. Ford Island is at right and the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard is in the left distance., U.S. Navy Photograph,, PD-USGov
S. No.Name, RankS. No.Name, Rank
1 | Marvin B. Adkins, GM3c | 209 | Willard H. Aldridge, Sea1c |
2 | Hugh R. Alexander, Lt. Comdr | 210 | Stanley W. Allen, Ens (VO-1) |
3 | Hal J. Allison, F2c | 211 | Leon Arickx, Sea1c |
4 | Kenneth B. Armstrong, Mldr1c | 212 | Daryle E. Artley, QM2c |
5 | John C. Auld, Sea2c | 213 | John A. Austin, Chf Carp |
6 | Walter H. Backman, RM2c | 214 | Gerald J. Bailey, Sea1c |
7 | Robert E. Bailey, SF3c | 215 | Wilbur F. Ballance, Sea1c |
8 | Layton T. Banks, Cox | 216 | Leroy K. Barber, F1c |
9 | Malcolm J. Barber, F1c | 217 | Randolph H. Barber, F2c |
10 | Cecil E. Barncord, EM3c | 218 | Wilber C. Barrett, Sea2c |
11 | Harold E. Bates, F1c | 219 | Ralph C. Battles, F2c |
12 | Earl P. Baum, Sea1c | 220 | Howard W. Bean, RM3c |
13 | Walter S. Belt, Jr., F1c | 221 | Robert J. Bennett, F3c |
14 | Harding C. Blackburn, Y3c | 222 | William E. Blanchard, Bmkr1c |
15 | Clarence A. Blaylock, F3c | 223 | Leo Blitz, MM2c |
16 | Rudolph Blitz, F1c | 224 | John G. Bock Jr., Sea2c |
17 | Paul L. Boemer, Cox | 225 | James B. Booe, Cbmster |
18 | James B. Boring, F2c | 226 | Ralph M. Boudreaux, MAtt1c |
19 | Lawrence A. Boxrucker, F2c | 227 | Raymond D. Boynton, Sea2c |
20 | Carl M. Bradley, F2c | 228 | Orix V. Brandt, Sea1c |
21 | Jack A. Breedlove, FC3c | 229 | Randall W. Brewer, MAtt1c |
22 | William Brooks, Sea1c | 230 | Wesley J. Brown, F1c |
23 | William G. Bruesewitz, Sea1c | 231 | James R. Buchanan, MM2c |
24 | Earl G. Burch, Bkr3c | 232 | Oliver K. Burger, WT1c |
25 | Millard Burk, Jr., Sea1c | 233 | Rodger C. Butts, SC1c |
26 | Archie Callahan, Jr., MAtt2c | 234 | Raymond R. Camery, F1c |
27 | William V. Campbell, Sea2c | 235 | Murry R. Cargile, Sea1c |
28 | Harold F. Carney, MM1c | 236 | Joseph W. Carroll, F2c |
29 | Edward E. Casinger, F2c | 237 | Biacio Casola, Sea1c |
30 | Carles R. Casto, F1c | 238 | Richard E. Casto, F2c |
31 | James T. Chesire, CPhM(PA) | 239 | Patrick L. Chess, SF3c |
32 | David Clark, Jr., Sea2c | 240 | Gerald L. Clayton, SK2c |
33 | Hubert P. Clement, FC1c | 241 | Floyd F. Clifford, Sea2c |
34 | George A. Coke, Sea1c | 241 | James E. Collins, Sea1c |
35 | John G. Connolly, Chf Pay Clk | 243 | Keefe R. Connolly, HA1c |
36 | Edward L. Conway, EM1c | 244 | Grant C. Cook, Jr., F1c |
37 | Robert L. Corn, FFC1c | 245 | Beoin H. Corzatt, F1c |
38 | John W. Craig, SK1c | 246 | Warren H. Crim, F3c |
39 | Samuel W. Crowder, F1c | 247 | William M. Curry, EM1c |
40 | Glenn G. Cyriack, SK2c | 248 | Marshall E. Darby, Jr., Ens |
41 | James W. Davenport, Jr., F1c | 249 | Francis D. Day, CWT (PA) |
42 | Leslie P. Delles, EM3c | 250 | Ralph A. Derrington, CMM (PA) |
43 | Francis E. Dick, Mus2c | 251 | Leaman R. Dill, EM2c |
44 | Kenneth E. Doernenburg, F1c | 252 | John M. Donald, SF3c |
45 | Carl D. Dorr, F2c | 253 | Bernard V. Doyle, Sea2c |
46 | Stanislaw F. Drwall, Pmkr1c | 254 | Cyril I. Dusset, MAtt1c |
47 | Buford H. Dyer, Sea1c | 255 | Wallace E. Eakes, SK3c |
48 | Eugene K. Eberhardt, MM1c | 256 | David B. Edmonston, Sea2c |
49 | Earl M. Ellis, RM3c | 257 | Bruce H. Ellison, RM3c |
50 | Julius Ellsberry, MAtt1c | 258 | John C. England, Ens |
S. No.Name, RankS. No.Name, Rank
51 | Ignacio C. Farfan, MAtt1c | 259 | Luther J. Farmer, MM1c |
52 | Lawrence H. Fecho, F1c | 260 | Charlton H. Ferguson, Mus2c |
53 | Robert A. Fields, EM3c | 261 | William M. Finnegan, Ens |
54 | Francis C. Flaherty, Ens | 262 | James M. Flanagan, Sea2c |
55 | Felicismo Florese, OS2c | 263 | Walter C. Foley, Sea1c |
56 | George P. Foote, SK3c | 264 | George C. Ford, F2c |
57 | Joy C. French, Sea2c | 265 | Tedd M. Furr, CCM (AA) |
58 | Michael Galajdik, F1c | 266 | Martin A. Gara, F2c |
59 | Jesus F. Garcia, MAtt2c | 267 | Eugene Garris, MAtt2c |
60 | Paul H. Gebser, MM1c | 268 | Leonard R. Geller, F1c |
61 | George T. George, Sea2c | 269 | George H. Gibson, EM3c |
62 | George E. Giesa, F2c | 270 | Quentin J. Gifford, RM2c |
63 | George Gilbert, FC2c | 271 | Warren C. Gillette, Sea1c |
64 | Benjamin E. Gilliard, MAtt1c | 272 | Arthur Glenn, MM1c |
65 | Daryl H. Goggin, Mach | 273 | Jack R. Goldwater, RM3c |
66 | Charles C. Gomez, Jr., Sea2c | 274 | George M. Gooch, EM3c |
67 | Clifford G. Goodwin, Sea1c | 275 | Robert Goodwin, SC3c |
68 | Duff Gordon, CMsmth | 276 | Claude O. Gowey, F1c |
69 | Wesley E. Graham, Sea1c | 277 | Arthur M. Grand Pre, F1c |
70 | Thomas E. Griffith, RM3c | 278 | Edgar D. Gross, WT2c |
71 | Vernon N. Grow, Sea2c | 279 | Daniel L. Guisinger, Jr., Sea1c |
72 | William I. Gurganus, CEM (AA) | 280 | William F. Gusie, FC3c |
73 | Hubert P. Hall, Sea2c | 281 | Robert E. Halterman, Sea1c |
74 | Harold W. Ham, MM2c | 282 | Dale R. Hamlin, GM3c |
75 | Eugene P. Hann, GM3c | 283 | Francis L. Hannon, SF3c |
76 | George Hanson, MM1c | 284 | Robert J. Harr, F1c |
77 | Charles H. Harris, EM3c | 285 | Daniel F. Harris, CFC (PA) |
78 | Louis E. Harris, Jr., Mus2c | 286 | Albert E. Hayden, CEM (PA) |
79 | Harold L. Head, Sea2c | 287 | Robert W. Headington, Sea1c |
80 | William F. Hellstern, GM2c | 288 | Floyd D. Helton, Sea2c |
81 | Jimmie L. Henrichsen, Sea2c | 289 | William E. Henson, Jr., Sea2c |
82 | Harvey C. Herber, EM1c | 290 | George Herbert, GM1c |
83 | Austin H. Hesler, SM3c | 291 | Denis H. Hiskett, F1c |
84 | Joseph P. Hittorff, Jr., Ens | 292 | Frank S. Hoag, Jr., RM3c |
85 | Herbert J. Hoard, CSK (PA) | 293 | Joseph W. Hoffman, Mus1c |
86 | Kenneth L. Holm, F3c | 294 | Harry R. Holmes, F3c |
87 | James W. Holzhauer, Sea1c | 295 | Edwin C. Hopkins, F3c |
88 | Chester G. Hord, SK3c | 296 | Frank A. Hryniewicz, Sea1c |
89 | Charles E. Hudson, WT1c | 297 | Lorentz E. Hultgren, MM2c |
90 | Robert M. Hunter, Ens | 298 | Claydon I. C. Iverson, F3c |
91 | Willie Jackson, OC1c | 299 | Herbert B. Jacobson, F3c |
92 | Challis R. James, Sea2c | 300 | George W. Jarding, F3c |
93 | Kenneth L. Jayne, F3c | 301 | Theodore Q. Jensen, RM3c |
94 | Jesse B. Jenson, GM3c | 302 | Charles H. Johannes, Sea2c |
95 | Billy J. Johnson, F1c | 303 | Edward D. Johnson, F1c |
96 | Joseph M. Johnson, Sea1c | 304 | Jim H. Johnston, F1c |
97 | Charles A. Jones, Sea2c | 305 | Fred M. Jones, MM1c |
98 | Jerry Jones, MAtt3c | 306 | Julian B. Jordan, Lt. |
99 | Wesley V. Jordan, Sea1c | 307 | Thomas V. Jurashen, Sea2c |
100 | Albert U. Kane, F1c | 308 | John A. Karli, Sea1c |
S. No. | Name, Rank | S. No. | Name, Rank |
101 | Howard V. Keffer, RM3c | 309 | Ralph H. Keil, Sea1c |
102 | Donald G. Keller, Sea1c | 310 | Joe M. Kelley, Sea2c |
103 | Warren J. Kempf, RM3c | 311 | Leo T. Keninger, F1c |
104 | William H. Kennedy, F1c | 312 | Elmer T. Kerestes, F1c |
105 | David L. Kesler, Bkr2c | 313 | William A. Klasing, EM3c |
106 | Verne F. Knipp, Cox | 314 | Hans C. Kvalnes, Sea2c |
107 | William L. Kvidera, CM3c | 315 | D. T. Kyser, Sea2c |
108 | Elliott D. Larsen, Mus1c | 316 | Johnnie C. Laurie, MAtt1c |
109 | Elmer P. Lawrence, Sea1c | 317 | Willard I. Lawson, F3c |
110 | Gerald G. Lehman, F3c | 318 | Myron K. Lehman, Sea2c |
111 | Lionel W. Lescault, Bgmstr2c | 319 | Harold W. Lindsey, Sea2c |
112 | John H. Lindsley, F3c | 320 | Alfred E. Livingston, F3c |
113 | Clarence M. Lockwood, WT2c | 321 | Adolph J. Loebach, FC3c |
114 | Vernon T. Luke, MM1c | 322 | Octavius Mabine, MAtt1c |
115 | Howard S. Magers, Sea2c | 323 | Michael Malek, Sea2c |
116 | Algeo V. Malfante, SF2c | 324 | Walter B. Manning, EM1c |
117 | Henri C. Mason, Mus1c | 325 | Joseph K. Maule, Sea1c |
118 | Edwin B. McCabe WT1c | 326 | Donald R. McCloud, FC2c |
119 | James O. McDonald, F1c | 327 | Bert E. McKeeman, F1c |
120 | Hale McKissack, Sea1c | 328 | Lloyd E. McLaughlin, Sea2c |
121 | Earl R. Melton, MM1c | 329 | Herbert F. Melton, BM2c |
122 | Archie T. Miles, MM2c | 330 | Wallace G. Mitchell, Sea1c |
123 | Charles A. Montgomery, RM3c | 331 | John M. Mulick, HA1c |
124 | Ray H. Myers, Sea2c | 332 | George E. Naegle, Sea1c |
125 | Elmer D. Nail, F1c | 333 | Paul A. Nash, FC1c |
126 | Don O. Neher, EM3c | 334 | Arthur C. Neuenschwander, GM1c |
127 | Sam D. Nevill, Y3c | 335 | Wilbur F. Newton, Sea1c |
128 | Carl Nichols, Sea2c | 336 | Harry E. Nichols, SK3c |
129 | Frank E. Nicoles, F1c | 337 | Arnold M. Nielsen, BM1c |
130 | Laverne A. Nigg, Sea2c | 338 | Joe R. Nightingale, Sea1c |
131 | Charles E. Nix, SM3c | 339 | Camillus M. O’Grady, Sea1c |
132 | Charles R. Ogle, F1c | 340 | Eli Olsen, SK3c |
133 | Jarvis G. Outland, F1c | 341 | Lawrence J. Overley, FC2c |
134 | Alphard S. Owsley, EM3c | 342 | Millard C. Pace, F1c |
135 | James Palides, Jr., Mus2c | 343 | Calvin H. Palmer, Sea2c |
136 | Wilferd D. Palmer, Sea2c | 344 | George L. Paradis, PhM3c |
137 | Isaac Parker, MAtt3c | 345 | Dale F. Pearce, Sea2c |
138 | Walter R. Pentico, Sea2c | 346 | Stephen Pepe, WT1c |
139 | Charles F. Perdue, SF1c | 347 | Wiley J. Perway, Bmkr2c |
140 | Milo E. Phillips, WT1c | 348 | James N. Phipps, Sea2c |
141 | Gerald H. Pirtle, F1c | 349 | Rudolph V. Piskuran, Sea2c |
142 | Herbert J. Poindexter, Jr., Sea1c | 350 | Brady O. Prewitt, Sea2c |
143 | Robert L. Pribble, FC3c | 351 | George F. Price, F1c |
144 | Lewis B. Pride, Jr., Ens | 352 | Jasper L. Pue, Jr., F3c |
145 | Paul S. Raimond, Sea1c | 353 | Eldon C. Ray, SK3c |
146 | Dan E. Reagan, F1c | 354 | Leo B. Regan, F1c |
147 | Irvin F. Rice, RM3c | 355 | Porter L. Rich, WT2c |
148 | Clyde Ridenour, Jr., RM3c | 356 | David J. Riley, Sea2c |
149 | Russell C. Roach, Sea1c | 357 | Joseph M. Robertson, Sea2c |
150 | Harold W. Roesch, Sea1c | 358 | Walter B. Rogers, F1c |
S. No. | Name, Rank | S. No. | Name, Rank |
151 | Joseph C. Rouse, Sea1c | 359 | Charles L. Ruse, Mus2c |
152 | Edmund T. Ryan, Y3c | 360 | Roman W. Sadlowski, EM3c |
153 | Kenneth H. Sampson, Sea1c | 361 | Dean S. Sanders, CMM (PA) |
154 | Charles L. Saunders, Sea2c | 362 | Lyal J. Savage, Sea1c |
155 | John E. Savidge, Sea1c | 363 | Paul E. Saylor, F1c |
156 | Walter F. Schleiter, F1c | 364 | Herman Schmidt, GM3c |
157 | Aloysius H. Schmitt, Lt. (jg) (ChC) | 365 | Andrew J. Schmitz, F1c |
158 | John H. Schoonover, PhM1c | 366 | Bernard O. Scott, MAtt1c |
159 | Chester E. Seaton, F1c | 367 | Verdi D. Sederstrom, Ens |
160 | William L. Sellon, Sea2c | 368 | Everett I. Severinson, SF1c |
161 | William K. Shafer, F2c | 369 | William J. Shanahan, Jr., SM3c |
162 | Edward J. Shelden, FC1c | 370 | William G. Silva, GM1c |
163 | Eugene M. Skaggs, SM1c | 372 | Garold L. Skiles, Sea2c |
164 | Edward F. Slapikas, Sea1c | 373 | Leonard F. Smith, Msmth1c |
165 | Merle A. Smith, EM3c | 374 | Rowland H. Smith, Mus1c |
166 | Walter H. Sollie, WT1c | 375 | James C. Solomon, Sea1c |
167 | Maurice V. Spangler, Sea1c | 376 | Kirby R. Stapleton, Sea1c |
168 | Ulis C. Steely, MM1c | 377 | Walter C. Stein, Sea1c |
169 | Samuel C. Steiner, F1c | 378 | Charles M. Stern, Jr., Ens |
170 | Everett R. Stewart, MM2c | 379 | Lewis S. Stockdate, Ens |
171 | Donald A. Stott, Sea1c | 380 | Robert T. Stout, FC3c |
172 | James Stouten, CBM (AA) | 381 | Milton R. Surratt, Sea1c |
173 | Charles H. Swanson, MM1c | 382 | Edward E. Talbert, Sea1c |
174 | Rangner F. Tanner, Jr., Sea2c | 383 | Monroe Temple, Sea1c |
175 | Houston Temples, Sea1c | 384 | Benjamin C. Terhune, F2c |
176 | Arthur R. Thinnes, Sea2c | 385 | Charles W. Thompson, F1c |
177 | Clarence Thompson, SC1c | 386 | George A. Thompson, Sea2c |
178 | Irvin A. R. Thompson, Ens | 387 | William M. Thompson, Ens |
179 | Richard J. Thomson, Sea2c | 388 | Cecil H. Thornton, Sea2c |
180 | Robert L. Thrombley, Sea2c | 389 | David F. Tidball, Sea1c |
181 | Lloyd R. Timm, Sea2c | 390 | Lewis F. Tindall, F1c |
182 | Dante S. Tini, RM3c | 391 | Henry G. Tipton, Sea1c |
183 | Everett C. Titterington, F1c | 392 | Neal K. Todd, F1c |
184 | Natale I. Torti, Sea1c | 393 | Orval A. Tranbarger, Sea1c |
185 | Harold F. Trapp, FC2c | 394 | William H. Trapp, EM3c |
186 | Shelby Treadway, GM3c | 395 | William D. Tucker, F1c |
187 | Victor P. Tumlinson, FC3c | 396 | Billy Turner, Sea1c |
188 | Louis J. Tushla, F1c | 397 | Russell O. Ufford, Sea2c |
189 | Lowell E. Valley, F2c | 398 | Durrell Wade, AMM2c |
190 | Lewis L. Wagoner, Sea2c | 399 | Harry E. Walker, SK1c |
191 | Robert N. Walkowiak, F3c | 400 | Eugene A. Walpole, Sea2c |
192 | Charles E. Walters, Sea2c | 401 | James R. Ward, Sea1c |
193 | Edward Wasielewski, Sea1c | 402 | Richard L. Watson, Sea1c |
194 | James C. Webb, F1c | 403 | William E. Welch, Sea1c |
195 | Alfred F. Wells, MM1c | 404 | Ernest R. West, Sea1c |
196 | John D. Wheeler, F2c | 405 | Claude White, CWT (PA) |
197 | Jack D. White, Sea1 | 406 | Alton W. Whitson, EM3c |
198 | Eugene W. Wicker, Sea1c | 407 | Lloyd P. Wiegand, Mus2c |
199 | George J. Wilcox, Jr., Sea2c | 408 | Albert l. Williams, Mus2c |
200 | James C. Williams, Sea1c | 409 | Wilbur S. Williams, OS3c |
S. No.Name, RankS. No.Name, Rank
201 | Bernard R. Wimmer, FC1c | 410 | Everett G. Windle, Sea2c |
202 | Starring B. Winfield, RM3c | 411 | Rex E. Wise, F1c |
203 | Frank Wood, Sea2c | 412 | Lawrence E. Woods, F1c |
204 | Winfred O. Woods, MM1c | 413 | Creighton H. Workman, F1c |
205 | John L. Wortham, GM2c | 414 | Paul R. Wright, CWT (PA) |
206 | Eldon P. Wyman, Ens | 415 | Martin D. Young, F2c |
207 | Robert V. Young, Sea1c | 416 | Joseph J. Yurko, WT1c |
208 | Thomas Zvansky, CSM (PA) |